Data Dashboard
Comprehensive Planning tracks multiple metrics related to the functions and responsibilities of the department. Descriptions of these duties, the data tracked, and up-to-date measurements are provided below.
Public Engagement & Outreach
Public engagement is necessary to Comprehensive Planning activities for informing decisions, increasing transparency, and building trust in the planning process. Different types of engagement, outreach, and communication methods are used to achieve different purposes, including informing the public with newsletters and website updates, receiving feedback through meetings and surveys, and the use of social media to both share news and solicit comments. Comprehensive Planning tracks and documents the number of participants reached through engagement and communication efforts as part of every planning process.
Consistency Analyses
A consistency analysis is performed by Comprehensive Planning staff for certain types of applications to the Land Use Control Board (LUCB) and Board of Adjustments (BOA). The goal of the analysis is to determine the consistency of the applicant’s request with the Memphis 3.0 Comprehensive Plan. Criteria for the determination include future land use and degree of change designations and descriptions, as well as other stated goals and objectives of the Plan. Consistency analyses are included as part of application reviews conducted by Land Use and Development Services planners and contribute to their final recommendations.
Comprehensive Rezonings
Following the guide of the future land use map, comprehensive rezonings are aimed at adjusting zoning district designations to be more compatible with the land use goals of Memphis 3.0. Rezonings may be initiated as the result of a small area planning process or through a general analysis of existing incompatibilities. The comprehensive rezoning process requires notifying affected landowners and surrounding neighbors, review by Land Use and Development Services planners, a public hearing before the Land Use Control Board, and final approval of the Memphis City Council.
Future Land Use Planning
The future land use map is a major component of the Memphis 3.0 Comprehensive Plan. As part of the planning process for Memphis 3.0, each land parcel in the city was assigned a future land use category based on several factors including existing land use, proximity to neighborhood anchors, and land use goals of the Plan. Future land use designations are used to guide public investment and private development. Changes to future land use designations, category descriptions and their compatibility with the zoning map are achieved through annual Plan amendments and comprehensive rezonings.
Memphis and Shelby County Division of Planning & Development
Comprehensive Planning Department
125 N Main Street, Ste 468